Thursday, September 10, 2015

Grimm's Household has a new visitor.

Sorry for the lack of posting, We have been super crazy. From working a couple jobs that my husband has, And Fall semester in full swing, We are into a couple devotional activities as well as continuing to adjust to being newlyweds. With our lives being this crazy, it's hard to imagine having anything else on our plate. We try to tend to not be so busy that we forget to have time with our Lord, but lately it's been a little mad house around our household. (Wondering why?, I'm mean working and being a full time student isn't enough what more could we add to our plate.) 

Meet Chloe!

 She is 10 Weeks old. She loves to play outside. Loves walking, and everything outdoors. Don't let that fool you, she is a huge fan of cuddles, and being around us. Also we let her sleep with us. (Bad habit to start, but could you deny that face?) Unfortunately, we are only her foster parent's, but don't let that fool you, because immediately when we were able to bring her to our home, Our heart's melted right away.  She is a Husky/Lab mix. Full of Spunk and personality. She fits right in! 

So yes, our home just got a little more chaotic, but we have absolutely fallen in love with her. But what's funny is, the night i brought her home, She took to nick right away. (That's my Husband.) She was basically his shadow. Although now she has gotten used to the both of us. It's a big adjustment now, not used to the early mornings, and periodic periods of excitement. But Overall she blew our expectations out of the water. Although, we are only temporarily providing a home for her, I've helped my friend, her owner, in trying to find people to provide her a forever home. I'm thankful we were able to do this, because it's shown my husband and I how well we really work together. I know since she is a puppy, We love taking her on walks. What surprised us the most about her, is you barely hear her bark, and She is like a killer at being calm. Although, she has her moments when she wakes from a nap, She immediately is ready to play, She for the most part is crazy at being calm, and content. We've learned a lot and still will learn more. But It's amazing to just watch interact.  So with our somewhat crazy schedules, we enjoy relaxing with our Paw angel. 

Sorry for the somewhat short post, being a temp fur mom takes a lot of attention and time. Hope to be back to blogging soon. Hope all my Blogger Friends are doing well. 
P.S. Any Pup advice to give us? Has anyone every temporarily fostered a pup before?  Comment and let me know, I would love to hear from you! :)