Monday, November 30, 2015

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

With 2015 Thanksgiving under wraps, I had to post a pic of my love and I enjoying the holidays with both sets of our family's. Although, this thanksgiving was a tad different due to some uncontrolled circumstances we overall enjoyed our first thanksgiving married. It was great to be able to visit with both sets of families. We enjoyed our first thanksgiving dinner with my side of the family in Mt. Sterling, and then with my in law's on Saturday. Overall with the two dinner's (Thank the lord they were spread apart a day. ).  We were over stuffed and gobbled out with Turkey.

After thanksgiving we spent the weekend going underway for our first Holiday/Christmas decorating went into full swing. We boxed up the Fall/Thanksgiving decorations and tucked them away for next year. We gathered up our previously bought decorations and began to decorate our house for the season. We blast Christmas music while doing so, and let me tell you it was Magical!
Here are the Pics of our house all festive :)

This is how much we've decorated so far. Not too mention the fact that we completely rearranged the place and deep cleaned the house. It's beginning to feel homey. Although we are Tree-less, we hope by the weekend to be able to get our first Christmas tree. Once we do, Prepare for picture spam :)
So with one Holiday under wraps and preparing for that wonderful time of year, I'm excited to see what all my blogger friends have been up too. I would love to hear, your plans for the Holidays and will be on the lookout for your decorations.